golscompkansro Admin replied

335 weeks ago

Reign Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 720p

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7cb1d79195 During a U.S. military operation, designed to bait Iraqi insurgents, local civilians get caught in the crossfire and an American soldier's life is forever changed by an encounter with an Iraqi woman.
When I saw the trailer for this short I couldn't wait to watch it. What a poignant and powerful film packed into 17 minutes. The impact of the emotions I felt watching the film didn't quite hit me as hard until a few minutes after it was over. With these shorts you can have the prettiest set and the best equipment and actors etc. but if the content is not there the message never gets to the audience which was not the case with Reign. The film was beautifully shot and the writer Kimberly Jentzen not only provided a powerful script but directed the film as well. One of the main characters played by Sheetal Sheth, in my opinion was the foundation of the film. She gave a powerful not overstated but subtle heartfelt performance. Overall the film did a good job of conveying the conflicts of war and the conflicts of war within ourselves in respect to the choices we make. As a veteran thankfully I was never in that position or conflict but I do understand what it's like to put that uniform on and the responsibility and pride that go with it. Fantastic work by the filmmaker and the entire cast for all your hard work and for tackling such a heartbreaking topic.
REIGN is a quite humanesque movie, both thematically and tonally. It cares deeply for its characters and the narrative. It&#39;s affective. It&#39;s profound. A short. And heavenly powerful.<br/><br/>In a pleiad of conventional war movies with good guys versus bad guys, with two extremes and nothing else; this one feels so real and touches upon the humanistic questions. There&#39;s no heroes or villains; it wasn&#39;t one person was right, one was wrong. Writer/director Kimberly Jentzen sees both of her main characters as a (human) victims of war. And perfectly shows us how helpless they are. Have a closer look at them.<br/><br/>Soldier Delano (Andrew Fognani) is facing a struggle between duty and humanity. With no physical wounds, he is a victim of the war. Fadwa (Sheetal Sheth), a victim herself, is the soldier&#39;s unseen scar of the war.<br/><br/>Great acting made it a pleasure for me to watch. to feel. to Hear the movie. Andrew Fognani and Sheetal Sheth were impressive here. Sheetal Sheth made me forget Sheetal Sheth the Actress and see her only as Fadwa whom she portrayed with uncanny perfection and &#39;raised&#39; her from the soul. She speaks very little, but her gaze and facial expression says it all. Look at her face and eyes and nose or whatever — completely transformed. Fantastic. Try not to be touched by Fadwa. Try not to feel that dose of helplessness which Andrew Fognani perfectly brings to his character.<br/><br/>The supporting cast is excellent, as is editing and the cinematography by amazing (Oscar nominated) Jack Green. <br/><br/>What I really liked about the film is the fact that the director did not endeavor to trivialize and to convey the emotions of the characters with unnecessary explaining or through flooding with excessive dialogues. We have wordless scenes with a very strong emotional charge, primarily due to the excellent acting, great camera work, the use of color and the light, and perfect soundtrack. Susan Marder&#39;s music is fabulous. Viola, cello… She seems to simply know which sequence of notes will produce certain emotions. <br/><br/>Overall: excellent, sensitive and thoughtful. REIGN depicts war as something that harms all involved in and reminds us how all we are connected to each other as human beings. That is what reigns.<br/><br/>I was fortunate enough to see it at IndieFlix. <br/><br/>Highly recommended

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msjennyjhonson replied

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